Thursday, May 10, 2007

Come visit us!

Here's the tentative itinerary for your vacation planning purposes:

May: Greece
June: Turkey
July: Israel and Egypt (yes, we are crazy, it will be 110 degrees...)
July - September: East Africa & South Africa
October: Nepal
Nov- Dec: India
Dec - March: South East Asia (New Years in Thailand, anyone????)
April - New Zealand
May - Australia


brianafwagner said...

woweeee, it won't be hard to fall in love with greece; i can't wait to read all of the stories and see the sassy photos. mmmm, you're going to come across such good food :) sending you all kinds of warm wishes and nothin but the best energy. rock it

Anonymous said...

way to go guys! you are going to love it. safe travels when you begin your journey... maybe i'll see you in thailand. im headed there in a few days. not sure how long im staying tho. keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen & Gil - Sounds great - we'll be following! Love, Mom

Chris George said...

Greece rules! That's all. I just wanted to look cool and be the first to comment on this post.

And yeah, we'll see what we can do about getting to Thailand!

Anonymous said...

July - Yemen, Egypt, Israel
Nov-Dec - Pakistan, India